The 10th Portuguese Tournament of Mathematical Games
During March 14, 2014, around 1200 students (aging 7 to 17) from all Portugal joined at Fundão to play six different abstract games. The event was organized locally by the following organizations: Câmara Municipal do Fundão, o Agrupamento de Escolas do Fundão, o Agrupamento de Escolas Gardunha e Xisto, a Escola Profissional do Fundão, a Escola de Hotelaria e Turismo do Fundão, o Externato Capitão Santiago de Carvalho e a Associação Comercial e Industrial do Concelho do Fundão.
The event occurred at the Pavilhão Municipal:
The Portuguese Tournament of Mathematical Games started months before in several hundreds of schools, scattered thru all Portugal, with local tournaments to find what students were the best players.
The games were the following:
- Traffic Lights - the 3x4 variant from Alan Parr's original game
- Cats & Dogs - A 1970s game from Simon Norton
- Slimetrail - the Bill Taylor's 7x7 square variant for faster plays during the tournament.
- Hex - the famous connection game.
- Breakthrough - The Dan Troyka game, winner of the 2001 8x8 Game Design Competition
- Product - Nick Bentley's game with some adaptations
The games were divided by students' age:
- First cycle (7-10 years) students played Traffic Lights, Cats & Dogs or Slimetrail
- Second Cycle (10-12 years) students played Cats & Dogs, Slimetrail or Hex
- Third Cycle (12-15 years) students played Slimetrail, Hex or Breakthrough
- Secondary (15-17 years) students played Hex, Breakthrough or Product
This meant 12 independent tournaments (a tournament per age per game). More information can be found at (in Portuguese), more photos here.
Here's two videos from public broadcast TVs (in Portuguese...):
Some pictures (from here):
The best student of each tournament was selected to the afternoon's final. This last tournament decided the winners. There were about 160 students.
The winners
1º Ciclo Semáforo 1 Bernardo Furtado / Escola Colégio São João de Brito 2 Manuel Cortesão / 2º Jardim Escola João de Deus 3 Francisco Soveral / 1º Jardim- Escola João de Deus Coimbra 1º Ciclo Cães e Gatos 1 Tomás / 2º Jardim Escola João de Deus 2 Guilherme Ribeiro / Colégio Pedro Arrupe 3 António Nunes / Colégio do Ave SA 1º Ciclo Rastros 1 Bruna Godinho / Colégio Nossa Senhora de Fátima 2 Joana Sarkar / E B Dº da Comenda 3 Gonçalo Moita / 1º Jardim- Escola João de Deus Coimbra 2º Ciclo Cães e Gatos 1 João Faias / EB Andre de Resende 2 Afonso Cruz / Básica 2º e 3º Ciclo Eugénio de Castro 3 Mafalda Abade / Colégio do Sagrado Coração de Maria 2º Ciclo Rastros 1 Nuno Silva / Escola Colégio São João de Brito 2 João Vieira / EB Andre de Resende 3 Francisco Salgueiro / Escola Básica e Secundária da Quinta das Flores 2º Ciclo Hex 1 Miguel Braga / Escola EB2,3/S Arcos de Valdevez 2 Pedro Fialho / EB Andre de Resende 3 António Simões / Básica 2º e 3º Ciclo Eugénio de Castro 3º Ciclo Rastros 1 Pedro Coelho / Escola EB2,3/S Arcos de Valdevez 2 João Rosado / Colégio Pedro Arrupe 3 Rui Vieira / EB Andre de Resende 3º Ciclo Hex 1 Tiago Gonçalves / EB 23 de Tondela 2 Laura Taborda / Secundária Campos de Melo 3 Sandro Resende / Escola Secundária Júlio Dinis 3º Ciclo Avanço 1 Guilherme Rodrigues / S/3 S.Pedro - Vila Real 2 Gabriel Araújo / Escola E.B. 2/3 D. Afonso Henriques - Creixomil-GMR 3 Daniela Arruda / Escolas dos Açores (Campeões Regionais) Secundário Hex 1 André Santana / Escola Secundária C/3º ciclo D. Manuel - Beja 2 Inês isabel Adão / Extrenato de Penafirme 3 Simão Gabriel / Secundária Infanta D. Maria Secundário Avanço 1 Miguel Fernandes / Secundária Infanta D. Maria 2 Pedro Carvalho / Escola Secundária das Laranjeiras 3 João Amaral / Escola Secundária C/3º Ciclo Carlos Amarante Secundário Produto 1 Diogo Ferreira / Escola Profissional Gustave Eiffel - polo Lumiar 2 Nora Hug / Escola Secundária Dr. Manuel Candeias Gonçalves- Odemira 3 António Mendes Pinto / Escola Colégio São João de Brito Acknowledgments
We wish to thank all the organizations that made this possible and also all the wonderful people that work really hard to make this possible. Also, to the usual suspects: Alda Carvalho, Ana Fraga, Carlos Santos, João Neto, Jorge Nuno Silva, Luís Malheiro, Teresa Santos and all the great professors and assistants that volunteer to help us with this wonderful event.