Copyright (c) 2001 Jochen Drechsler

Reviser is played on the following board.

FIRST PHASE - Before the game begins, one player decides which role he will play (Setter or Jumper), while the other decides who starts.
TURN - On each turn, player alternate moves:
Setter - The Setter drops a stone on an empty cell. That stone must be in line with one of his stones so that one or more opponents stones are between them (without any empty fields between them). These opponents pieces become setters (it's the same as in Othello).
Jumper - The Jumper must jump with one of his stones over any number of his opponents stones in a straight line. 
The jumped opponent stones become jumpers.
Jumps are multiple and mandatory  (no maximum capture rule).
Jumping over friendly stones or over empty fields is invalid.
GOAL - When one player is unable to move, the game ends. Wins the player with more stones of his color.

Some words from the author: The game can end before the whole board is filled. The longest possible game (with the whole board filled) takes 66 moves (or 67 moves if Jumper starts the game). The players take different roles for the whole game. The Jumper has a much greater choice of moves than Setter most of the time. But Setter has the advantage that he always enters an additional piece and that his pieces do not have to move. The players have the same pieces but their "forces" are clearly unequal in the way they can make use of that pieces. After playing many games of Reviser I personally have a guess who is more handicapped, but it is not all certain who really is the more handicapped.

An opening example

Setter started the game. He played at f7 (the marked white stone) so that the stone at f6 was transformed - the marked black stone).

After that, the Jumper picked the stone of cell [1] and jumped to [2] and then finally to e8, transforming 3 white stones into jumpers.