Copyright (c) 1991 Julian Wiseman et al.

This game is played on the following board:

ZONES - The Court is the central 9x9 area. The remaining of the board is the Course.
KING - The King moves to any (diagonal or orthogonal) adjacent empty cell. 
QUEEN - The Queen moves to any diagonal empty cell, or exactly 3 cells in any orthogonal or diagonal direction. However, it cannot jump over other pieces.
COURTIERS - The courtier moves one cell orthogonally and then jump one cell on a perpendicular direction (like the chess Knight).
COURSE MOVE - In the Course, the moved piece can, optionally, make another move. 
A piece may not do a double move if:
its turn starts in the Court, or
the first part of the turn lands in the Court, or 
the first part of the turn captures another piece. 
It is permitted for the piece to land in the Court at the end of its second move.
CHECK - It is not permitted to move to as to cause either of one's own Royal pieces (King or Queen) to be put into check. 
A Royal piece may not move into check, nor may it 'pass through check' during a double move. 
This rule also prohibits a revealed check: if an enemy Queen would be checking a Royal but for an intervening Courtier of one's own, then that Courtier may not move.
There is one exception to this rule: it is permitted to move into check if doing so wins the game.
If a Royal piece is under threat from a Courtier or a non-checked Royal, then that Royal piece is said to checked. Checked pieces are paralyzed, and may not be played until the threat is removed.
CAPTURE - Royal pieces cannot be captured, but they can capture. A Courtier that is checking a Royal piece may be captured, as may one in the Court. Courtiers may be captured by any enemy piece. 
Courtiers may threaten and hence paralyze Royalty in either the Course or the Court. Captured Courtiers are removed from the board, and play no further part in the game.
PASS - If a player is unable to move then that turn is forfeited. Players may not pass.
GOAL - Wins the player that moves one's King onto the same cell as one's Queen, or vice versa. This is the only time that two pieces are permitted on the same square. Also, this is the only time that a Royal piece may move into check, i.e., a Queen may move onto the same square as a checked King (or vice versa).

I placed this game on the Towers section, since there are 3 types of pieces that can be emulated by stacks of different sizes.