Copyright (c) 2001 L. Lynn Smith

This game is played on a 8x8 square board with the following setup:

Each player also has 3 obstacles (the red stones in the example diagram below)

DROP PHASE - On each turn, each player drops an obstacle into an empty cell, until there is no one left. Black (the attacker) starts.
MOVE PHASE - On each turn, each player moves one of his stones.
ATTACKER - The attacker stones move to any adjacent (orthogonal or diagonal) cell not occupied by a friendly stone. They also may jump over an adjacent stone of either color (including obstacles).
Moving to an occupied cell captures that stone.
Jumping does not capture.
DEFENDER - The defender stones slide through any directly adjacent orthogonal cells not occupied by a friendly stone, or steps to adjacent diagonal cells not occupied by a friendly stone
Moving to an occupied cell captures that stone.
GOAL - The Attacker wins by either placing four stones upon the central four cells, or reducing the Defender's to zero. The Defender wins by reducing the Attacker's stones to three.
An example

White's turn. He can force an exchange of stones, since Black looses if he has just 3 left, while White only looses if he is down to zero.

So, d2:g2, f3:g2; d7:h7, g8:h7; c8:c5 and wins!

There is a ZRF to play Playground Commandos with Zillions.