
Copyright (c) 2001 Ernesto Amezcua Montes

This game is played on the following board:

STACK - A set of stones of the same color on the same cell.
Movement - Each stone of the stack can move to another cell at a orthogonal distance equal to the original stack's size (e.g., a player can pick a stack of size 3 and make 3 equal or different moves at a distance of 3).
Stones cannot jump over other stones (of either color).
If a single stone ends its move on a cell occupied by an enemy stack, it captures all the stack's stones.
During its turn' move, a stone cannot move to two opposite directions (e.g., if he moved to the left, then it cannot move to the right on that turn).
TURN - On each turn, each player move one of his stacks.
GOAL - Wins the player that moves 3 of his stones to the opposite row.
A draw occurs after a 3 position repetition or if both players have less than 3 stones.

An example

The stack at b1 moved two stones to b4 and one stone to a3.

Then, White replied with a move from h8, to h5, g6 and f7. 

He could not move to g8 (not at a distance of 3) nor to e8 (stones cannot jump). Also, White cannot move to h7 (using h7-h6-h7) because he cannot move to two opposite directions with the same stone.

More information at PerSiVic's webpage.