Copyright (c) 1988 Ludovic Robillard
The game starts at following hexagonal board:
Each player has 50 'grains' and 3 'seeds'.
Plant actions imply some possible effects: (a) fusion - by growing, a plant may fuse with another friendly plant; (b) massive trimming - by removing a grain, a part of the plant may be without contact to a seed, and so it is removed from the board; (c) separation - a plant with more than one seed may separate in two.
A simple capture [In these diagrams, black seeds have blue grains and white seeds have yellow grains] After the grow of the blue plant (by dropping the marked blue grain), the marked yellow grain was captured. |
A capture
with an extra dead plant
In this case, after the grow of the marked blue grain, two yellow grains were captured (the marked ones). After this capturing, a new dead plant was created (the two isolated yellow grains), which is also removed from board. |
are illegal
The grow showed by the marked yellow grain is illegal, since that grain could be captured without any extra action. |
Not a
Growing the marked yellow stone is no longer illegal, since by moving there it captures the marked blue grain. |
This game has some extra rules (dealing with plant parasites and fast grow) which I believe are optional and do not add much more interest to the game. There is a detailed document with the complete rules (in French).