Copyright (c) 2001 Chris Huntoon
This game is played on the following initially empty hexagonal board.
There are initially off board 12 white stones (the Villagers), 5 black stones (the Vampires) and 1 black pawn (the Nosferatu).
- MOVE - On each turn, each player must do one of the following things:
- Capture one adjacent enemy piece by jumping over it and landing on the next empty cell.
- Capture takes precedence over any other type of move.
- Capture can be multiple (no maximum capture rule).
- The Nosferatu may travel over any number of empty cells on either side of a jump.
- When capturing a vampire, the stone is removed from the board.
- When capturing a villager, the stone may optionally be transformed into a vampire (i.e., the white stone is replaced by a black stone) if the capture was made by Nosferatu, otherwise the villager is removed from the board.
- Enter a piece into an empty cell.
- Entering takes precedence over moving.
- The entering piece may not be placed in any cell that can be immediate captured by an opponent's piece.
- Move a piece into an adjacent empty cell.
- The Nosferatu may move any number of cells along an open line.
- GOAL - The Nosferatu player wins by capturing all Villagers. The Villager player wins by capturing the Nosferatu.
A note from the author:
Nosferatu is a very powerful yet very vulnerable piece. It poses as a terrible threat to the Villagers, though it can be lured into a trap from afar and is the only piece that the Villagers need to capture to win the game.
An example White's turn. He moves d3-c2. The vampire must capture b2:d2. Then, e2:c2 and now the Nosferatu (herein, the blue stone) must capture a2:d2:g5 or a2:e2. On both cases, the Villager wins by capturing it on the next move!
There's a ZRF to play Nosferatu.