Copyright (c) 1995 Reiner Knizia

The game is played on an empty 11x17 square board. Each player has 22 off board stones.

VALID CELLS - Each player must drop stones on different cells
MOLE CELLS - All cells with an odd number for row and column (e.g., a1, c3, e7 are valid cells, but a2, c4, any cell on the b column are not)
THE CENTER - If the mole reaches the center cell, it is allowed to jump to any empty valid mole cell.
GARDENER CELLS - All the invalid mole cells, are valid gardener cells.
MOVE - On each turn, the Mole (first player) and the Gardener (second player) alternate moves:
The mole on the first turn, places a stone on any empty valid mole cell. After that, he must drop a stone on any empty valid mole cell, which is adjacent (orthogonal or diagonal) to the last dropped one (adjacent herein, means a distance of 2 cells) and does not have any gardener cell inbetween (a gardener stone is like a wall preventing the mole's way).
The gardener places a stone on any empty valid gardener cell.
GOAL - The game consists of two rounds, each player plays both parts. Wins the player, that after both rounds, has more points.
A round ends when the mole cannot move, because it dropped all of his stones, or it was blocked.
For each red dot visited by the mole, the player gets 2 points
For each green dot visited by the mole, the player gets 1 point
If the mole placed 10+ stones, remove 10 stones, and the player gets 1 point for each one remaining, otherwise (the player placed less than 10 stones) he gets zero points.

An example

The mole (the marked black stone) is partially blocked by the gardener's two stones. He still can move to either cells [1].