Copyright (c) 1999 Michael Marcus
This game is played on the following board with the following setup:
A move example This is a possible opening for White, one stone moved 5 cells, and the other moved one cell, for a total of 6. Both initial cells cannot be used to finish a move (but can be used to pass thru). |
Endgame White has exactly one stone left and so, must move exactly six cells. However, every cell exactly six cells away is blocked by a marker. Thus, White loses, and Black has won . |
Some comments from the author: Play testing has shown that neither player holds an advantage, and movement later in the game becomes a challenge as spaces become exhausted by movement and by captures. Losing two pieces also severely restricts freedom of movement. Several variants have been suggested:
Other board shapes might also be used to change the complexion of play. Larger boards, rather than smaller ones, are suggested, since smaller boards tend to more heavily favor one player or the other. It is quite possible to design smaller boards that force a win by either player. | |
On a larger board, it becomes possible to add more pieces to each side. | |
Rather than having a fixed movement limit of six squares, the movement limit might instead be determined by die roll. | |
Rather than leaving the board empty and drawing an "X" on the used squares, the board could start covered with tokens; movement must be to a square with either a token or an opponent's piece. Doing so, an alternate victory condition becomes possible: The one who has the most tokens and opponents' pieces by the game end wins. |