Copyright (c) 1977 John Flagg

This game is played on the following 8x8 square board:

TURN - On each turn, each player may resign or move one friendly stone:
A stone jumps over one (orthogonal or diagonal) adjacent stone (of either color) landing on the immediate next empty cell.
If the jumped stone is an enemy, it is captured.
Jumps are not mandatory and may be (optionally) multiple.
If the opponent cannot move, there's a stalemate situation where the player must perform five movements (or as many as possible up to five). 
If in one of those moves the opponent can move again, the stalemate sequence stops and the game continues as before.
GOAL - The game ends when: (i) one player does not have pieces; (ii) both players cannot move; (iii) one player resigns; (iv) if a stalemate sequence ends, (v) both common agreement. 
Wins the player with more points:
Each stone values 1 point, except stones at the player's last row that value 2 points.
If a player resigns, he must give one of his stones to the opponent (i.e., the stone swaps color).

The rules did not say if captures are mandatory, but I would suggest making them so (but not enforcing maximal captures). I believe it adds more tactical depth to the game. A jump sequence with no captures should also not end its move at the starting cell (it would be equivalent to pass).

An example

Black's turn. He moves a8-c8:e8:c6:c4:e6, capturing four white stones. Then White moves a6:a8:c8 and the game ends because both players cannot move.

White wins with 3 points (the c8 stones values 2 points) against 1 point for Black.