The Battle for the Petri DishCopyright (c) 1999 Greg Turner
This game is played on the following board:
- STACK - One, two or four (not three) stones of the same color on the same cell.
- CORNERS - Each connected set of marked cells.
- Corner is controlled by a player, if that player has stacks on all its marked cells.
- SETUP - Each player puts a stone in an empty cell.
- TURN - On each turn, each player must do one of the following actions:
- Move a stack to any (orthogonal or diagonal) adjacent space
- Divide to an (orthogonal or diagonal) adjacent cell
- A stack of size 2 divides into 2 stacks of size 1.
- A stack of size 4 divides into 2 stacks of size 2.
- Grow.
- A stack of size 1 grows to size 2.
- A stack of size 2 grows to size 4.
- A stack of size 4 cannot grow.
- LIBERTIES - One liberty is one empty orthogonal adjacent cell.
- A stack with no liberties is removed from board.
- A stack of size 1 requires two liberties to grow into a stack of size 2.
- A stack of size 2 requires two liberties to divide or move, and three liberties to grow into a stack of size 4.
- A stack of size 4 requires 3 liberties to divide or move.
- Pieces cannot commit suicide, but they may make a move which is only legal after any captures have been dealt with.
- GOAL - Wins the player that controls 3 of the 4 corners.
An example Black chose to grow the e7 stack. With this move he may capture white d7. If d7 moves to c8, then e7 divides (or moves) to d8 capturing it.
There is a ZRF to play Gro with Zillions. More information at the GRO webpage.