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Gogol is played on a 8x8 square board with the following setup:

SETUP - Each player drops a King on any empty cell, except on his 2nd row.
Kings may not stand on the left/right edge of the board, while adjacent to a friendly pawn on the same column.
Kings may not stand on the first row, while adjacent to a friendly pawn on the same row.
Kings may not stand on the second row, while adjacent to a friendly pawn on the first row.
TURN - On each turn, each player moves one of his pieces producing a valid position:
The pawns may move to any empty cell.
The Kings may slide (orthogonally or diagonally) any number of empty cells (like the chess Queen).
CAPTURE - Besides moving, any piece may capture adjacent enemy pieces by jumping over them, landing on the immediate empty cell. Captures are not mandatory and are not multiple.
GOAL - Wins the player that captures the enemy King or moves his own King to the last row.
An example

Black just moved one of his pawn to f5 sacrificing to avoid the winning threat d1-h7. If Green moves to h7, the Black King may escape to g6 (Black cannot protect the King moving a pawn to h5, because that would be an invalid position).

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