Copyright (c) ? Gérard Rousseau, Pion Rouge
Gobs is played on a 9x9 square board with the following setup:
- TURNS - At each turn, each player must do one of the following things:
- Slide a stone thru one or more empty cells in any orthogonal or diagonal direction (like the chess Queen)
- Jump over an enemy stone in move range, landing on the immediate empty cell. The jumped stone changes color and becomes friendly.
- Jumps are multiple and are not mandatory.
- Capture a stone in move range by replacement.
- Adjacent stones cannot be captured.
- GOAL - A player wins by reducing the opponent to 4 stones.
- If a player just has 5 stones, he must reduce the opponent army on that turn. If he reduces to 5 stones, the game is a draw; if he reduces to less than 5 stones he wins; otherwise he loses.
A capture/jumping example The black stone can capture by replacement the stone at a9.
It can also jump over 3 white stones (landing from [1] to [3] and changing them to 3 black stones.
However, it cannot capture the marked white stone because they are both adjacent.
Some more information here.