Copyright (c) Puzzles and Games Ring of The Archimedeans
This game was invented by the Puzzles and Games Ring of The Archimedeans in order to create a generalization of Chess.
The game uses a 18x18 Go board (or a typical Go board using the squares, not the intersections), with 43 white and 43 black stones. The game starts with this initial setup.
Checking the initial setup, we see on each of the last 3 rows: a Rook, a Bishop, a Queen, a King (the Ring), a Bishop and a Rook. In the 6th and 13th rows, there are 6 black and 6 white Pawns.
Moving samples The White piece centered at the stone on the left of cell [1] can move any number of cells, to the bottom and to the bottom-right. Moving to the bottom captures two Black stones, moving bottom-right captures one Black stone. The Black piece centered on the left of cell [2] can move to the top and can capture two White stones. That piece cannot move into the top-right direction, since there is a friendly stone blocking its progression. |
There is an article about Gess on Eureka Maganize N. 53. Eureka is the journal of the Archimedeans, the mathematical society of the Cambridge University.
Another game that mixes Chess and Go, is Go-Chess by Jim Callan. He also build a website to play Go-Chess online.