Copyright (c) 2002 Cameron Browne
This game is played on the following 8x8 square board:
An example Black's turn. The shark at g7 is immobilized. Black moves d3 to c3 (the marked white fish). Doing so, the school splits into two groups of equal size (4 fishes each). Black may choose what group is captured. Black must choose the south group, because if not, White then would move c2-c1 thus winning the game. |
The original rules of FRENZY does not work. The Sharks don't have a chance to win. One way to solve this problem is to give symmetry to both players, each one has a school of fishes and a pair of sharks (this can easily be extended to 3+ player games):
2-FRENZY Rules (board is split by 32 fishes on each half of the 8x8 board, before the game starts, both players place their sharks on top of opponent fishes capturing them).
Each turn a player makes two moves, with different animals. | |
Each move is either a fish move as in Chinese Checkers; or a shark move as a chess king capturing a foreign animal. | |
If after any turn a shark is isolated from all foreign animals, it immediately dies of isolation. | |
If both a player's sharks are dead or his fishes are all captured, he loses; if this happens to both players simultaneously, it is a tie. | |
If a player's school of fish splits into two or more isolated schools, all but the largest die. If there are equal largest, the player who made the move decides which. |