Copyright (c) 2002 Walter Joris
This game is played in a 5x10 square board.
- MOVE - On each turn, a player may do one of the following actions:
- Drop a friendly stone at an empty cell, which is in a diagonal line of sight with another friendly stone, i.e., both stones must be separated by a diagonal line of empty cells.
- Transform an enemy stone, at a diagonal line of sight of a friendly stone, into a wall (which is a neutral stone).
- GOAL - When there are no valid moves, wins the player with more friendly stones.
A starting example Black dropped a stone in a diagonal line of sight of the marked black stone.
White did the same type of move.
An ended game In this position, Black wins 18-14.
The red stones represent walls.
This game can be played with just pencil and paper. It is presented at 100 Strategic Games for Pen and Paper by Walter Joris.