Copyright (c) ? Mercury Software

The game starts at an empty 10x15 board.

1st PHASE - On each turn, each player drops a neutral stone into an empty cell, until 8 neutral stones are on the board.
DROP - On each turn, each player drops a stone on an empty cell.
CAPTURE - If exactly two enemy stones are sandwiched between the stone just dropped and another friendly stone (orthogonal or diagonal), they are captured.
CONVERSION - If a neutral stone is sandwiched between the stone just dropped and another friendly stone (orthogonal or diagonal), it changes color and becomes a friendly stone.
If by that conversion, another neutral stone can be converted it will.
If by that conversion, any pair of two enemy stones are sandwiched between the new converted stone and another friendly one, those stones are captured.
GOAL - Make a line of 5 connected stones (orthogonal or diagonally), or capture 7 enemy stones.

There is also an alternative way to play, by scoring points: A round ends when one player gets 5 in a row. Points are counted and scored as follows: a). Five stones in a row: 5 points. b). Four stones in a row (still remaining on the board at the end of the round): 1 point. c). Each pair captured from the opponent:1 point. Winner of the round plays first in the next round. The winner of the round is the one who got 5 in a row, regardless of which player scored the most points. Game is 50 to 300 points, decided in advance by the players

An example

If Black drops a stone at cell [1], it will convert the neutral stone at c6. That new converted stone, converts neutral stone at d6, which then captures the two white stones.

Another way to start playing (suggested by Edward) is that one player sets the board up, the other plays first. Loser of the last game sets the board for the next round.