CASTLE - The cell on
the first row.
TURN - On each turn,
each player must move one piece:
Soldiers may:
Move to an (orthogonal or
diagonal) empty cell. |
Jumping over friendly pieces,
this is called cantering. Cantering is not mandatory
and the player is not obliged to make the maximal number of
jumps. A canter sequence may not visit the same cell more than
once. |
Capturing several enemy pieces
by jumping over them. Captures are mandatory and have
precedence over move and canter. Once the player started the
capture, he must continue capturing. However the player is not
obliged to make the maximal number of captures. |
A soldier may not canter and
capture at the same turn. |
Kings move like soldiers with one
additional power:
Charging - after a canter
sequence the King may execute a capturing sequence. |
When cantering it must make a
capture if one becomes available but may do so later through a
charge. |
not enter its own Castle except through a capture, in which case it
must be moved out as soon as possible.
If the piece cannot move out through
another capture on the same turn, then it must be moved out on the
next turn (even if this means declining a capture elsewhere on the
board). |
When moving out of the castle, jumps
take priority, although the obligation to jump can be satisfied
through a charge. |
GOAL - Wins the player
that (i) moves a piece into the opponent's Castle, or (ii) captures
all enemy pieces, or (iii) stalemates the opponent.