Copyright (c) 1998 Rob Nelson
Boku, aka Bolix, is played on a 5x6 hexagonal board with 36 stones for each player (so, a total of 72 stones to occupy 80 empty cells).
- MOVE - A player drops a stone on an empty cell
- KO - If a player makes a capture, the opponent can not immediately play in the same spot.
- CAPTURE - A player captures one of two stones any time he sandwiches those stones between a pair of his stones.
- GOAL - A player wins if he gets five or more stones in a row.
Boku is remarkable simple, but according to David Glaude and other players, the game is, at best (due to limitations on board size and number of stones) a draw. With less restrictions, Boku has probably a big first player advantage (like Gomoku and Pente without opening restrictions).
An example White's turn. He must drop a stone at cell [1], or Black will win with a 6 in a row. After that, Black may drop a stone at [2], capturing the marked white stone or stone at [1].
If the stone at [1] is captured, White cannot play there (Ko rule) and Black wins.
More information about Boku rules here. Also a 2000 review by John Knoderer.
There's a ZRF to play Boku.