TURN - On each turn, each the
player must do the next two things:
Pass or move one of his stones as a
"runaway queen" (i.e., to the last empty cell in any
direction, but not to any closer square), if and only if the stone
is orthogonally adjacent to a blue stone at the start of its move.
If this move leaves the stone orthogonally adjacent to a blue
stone, the same stone may move
again, and so on. |
Pass or move a blue stone as a
"runaway queen," if and only if it is orthogonally
adjacent to any non-blue stone (red or white) at the start of its
.If this move leaves the stone orthogonally adjacent to a red or white
stone, the same stone may move again, and so on. |
GOAL - A player wins when his
first row is filled with stones, including at least one of his color.
If neither player's first row is filled but neither player is able to
move, the last player who moved loses.