Traditional - Sri Lanka

This game is played on an Alquerque board:

One player, the Tiger, has 2 stones, the other, the Goat, has 20 stones. They are placed in setup (the stones are played on the intersections - sorry for these software restrictions...):

TIGER - The Tiger may move one tiger to an adjacent cell (adjacency is given by board lines), or capture a goat by jumping a stack of goats (just capturing the top goat) landing on the next cell which must be empty. Jumps may be multiple, but a tiger cannot jump into the previous cell (so a tiger cannot jump back and forth to capture just one entire stack of goats).
GOAT - The Goat may take the top goat of a stack and place it on an adjacent empty cell or move a single goat to an adjacent empty cell. 
The goats start the game.
GOAL - The Tiger wins if he captures all goats, the Goat wins if they immobilize both tigers.

There is a little more information at (webpage in French).

A possible variant is to add a stacking mechanism to the stacks of goats, so the rule would say: the Goat may take the top goat of a stack and place it on an adjacent cell which does not have a tiger. This way, the goats would have extra exits to tigers attacks.