Copyright (c) 1995 Paul Sijben
Aboyne is played on a 5x5 hexagonal board with the following setup.
An example The marked stones are blocked. It it's Red's turn, he can capture the marked blue stone by jumping the non-marked red stone over the marked one. If it's Blue's turn, he can also capture the marked red stone using one of the two possible jumps with capture available. In fact, after that capture, Red does not have valid moves, his only stone is blocked! |
An endgame
Blue's turn. The marked red stone blocks the two adjacent blue stones. If Blue moves to [1], Red replies moving the non marked stone to [2], blocking the Blue player and winning (in fact it also blocked himself, but it was his turn to move...). Blue should play to [3] and then to [4] in order to capture the marked red stone. Then, he will have a winning position. Red only non-blocked stone does not have enough mobility to counter attack this tactic. |
Some words for the author: Aboyne is a game of tactics. You have to be careful in moving your pieces because if they get too close to your opponent’s you will not be able to move them. You can think of every piece as a centre of its own force field. Once captured in the force field, a piece will not be able to get away. But this works in both ways! Also this force field helps you when you want to jump over you own pieces.
The term Aboyne is taken from "The deeper meaning of Liff." by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd. They define aboyne as:
Aboyne(v) to beat an expert at a game of skill by playing so appallingly that none of his clever tactics or strategies are of any use to him.
Anyone playing this game a few times, and from this experience deriving tactics, will soon experience the motivations for choosing this title.