Copyright (c) ? Niek Neuwahl
This game is played on an empty 12x12 square board:
The board is seen as a 4x4 set of 3x3 areas where players drop the following 3x3 patterns:
- TURN - On each turn, each player picks one remaining pattern and drops it on a 3x3 empty area.
- The pattern must match with any adjacent pattern already on board.
- Two patterns match if for each pair of adjacent cells, both are empty or both are occupied (see example below).
- Players may rotate patterns but cannot mirror them.
- The first pattern must be placed at one of the four central 3x3 areas.
- GOAL - The player that stalemates the adversary wins the game.
An match/mismatch example The left marked pattern match the central pattern, every pair of adjacent cells are both empty or both occupied.
The right marked pattern is a mismatch, for example f7 is occupied and g7 is empty.