# open a connection to the file with the book Moby Dick at Gutenberg's
moby_url = url("")
## description
## ""
## class
## "url"
## mode
## "r"
## text
## "text"
## opened
## "closed"
## can read
## "yes"
## can write
## "no"
# read the first 500 lines
moby_dick = readLines(moby_url, n = 500)
## [1] 500
head(moby_dick, 12) # each line is an element of a char vector
## [1] "The Project Gutenberg EBook of Moby Dick; or The Whale, by Herman Melville"
## [2] ""
## [3] "This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with"
## [4] "almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or"
## [5] "re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included"
## [6] "with this eBook or online at"
## [7] ""
## [8] ""
## [9] "Title: Moby Dick; or The Whale"
## [10] ""
## [11] "Author: Herman Melville"
## [12] ""
Another option is to use download.file()
to prevent overloading the site’s server.
download.file("", "mobydick.txt")
moby_dick <- readLines("mobydick.txt", n=500) # read the 1st 500 lines
## [1] 500
head(moby_dick, 12) # each line is again an element of a char vector
## [1] "The Project Gutenberg EBook of Moby Dick; or The Whale, by Herman Melville"
## [2] ""
## [3] "This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with"
## [4] "almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or"
## [5] "re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included"
## [6] "with this eBook or online at"
## [7] ""
## [8] ""
## [9] "Title: Moby Dick; or The Whale"
## [10] ""
## [11] "Author: Herman Melville"
## [12] ""
The romance starts at line 536. Let’s read the first 10 lines using scan
n.lines <- 10
moby_dick_chap1 <- rep(NA, n.lines)
skip <- 535
# reading 10 lines (line-by-line using scan)
for (i in 1L:n.lines) {
one_line = scan("mobydick.txt", what = "", skip = skip, nlines = 1)
moby_dick_chap1[i] = paste(one_line, collapse = " ")
skip = skip + 1
## [1] "CHAPTER 1. Loomings."
## [2] ""
## [3] ""
## [4] "Call me Ishmael. Some years ago--never mind how long precisely--having"
## [5] "little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on"
## [6] "shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of"
## [7] "the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating"
## [8] "the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth;"
## [9] "whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find"
## [10] "myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up"
We can also read html content:
skulls = readLines("")
head(skulls, 12)
## [1] "<TITLE>Egyptian Skulls Datafile</TITLE>"
## [2] ""
## [3] ""
## [4] "<hr size=2><center><table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td align=center><table border=1 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0><tr><td><A HREF=\"../DataArchive.html\"><IMG SRC=\"../InlineImages/mainmenu.gif\" alt=\"Go to Main Menu\"></a></td></tr></table></td><td align=center><table border=1 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0><tr><td><A HREF=\"/cgi-bin/dasl.cgi\"><IMG SRC=\"../InlineImages/powersearchsmall.gif\" alt=\"Go to Power Search\"></a></td></tr></table></td><td align=center><table border=1 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0><tr><td><A HREF=\"../allsubjects.html\"><IMG SRC=\"../InlineImages/allsubjects.gif\" alt=\"Go to Datafile Subjects\"></a></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></center><hr size=2>"
## [5] "<B><DT>Datafile Name:</B> Egyptian Skulls"
## [6] "<B><DT>Datafile Subjects:</B> <dsubjects>"
## [7] "<A HREF=\"/cgi-bin/dasl.cgi?query=Archeology&submit=Search&metaname=dsubjects&sort=swishrank\">Archeology</A>"
## [8] ", "
## [9] ""
## [10] "<A HREF=\"/cgi-bin/dasl.cgi?query=Biology&submit=Search&metaname=dsubjects&sort=swishrank\">Biology</A>"
## [11] ""
## [12] "</dsubjects>"
taxon_url = ""
taxon = read.table(taxon_url, header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
## Petals Internode Sepal Bract Petiole Leaf Fruit
## 1 5.621 29.48 2.462 18.20 11.28 1.128 7.876
## 2 4.995 28.36 2.429 17.65 11.04 1.198 7.025
## 3 4.768 27.25 2.570 19.41 10.49 1.004 7.817
## 4 6.299 25.92 2.066 18.38 11.80 1.614 7.672
## 5 6.489 25.21 2.902 17.31 10.12 1.813 7.758
## 6 5.786 25.52 2.656 17.07 10.56 1.956 7.881
## Loading required package: bitops
iris_file = ""
iris_url = getURLContent(iris_file, ssl.verifypeer = FALSE) # use when getURL(iris_file) fails
iris_data = read.csv(textConnection(iris_url), header = FALSE)
names(iris_data) <- c("SL", "SW", "PL", "PW", "Species")
## SL SW PL PW Species
## 1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa
## 2 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa
## 3 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Iris-setosa
## 4 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 Iris-setosa
## 5 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa
## 6 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4 Iris-setosa
The doc’s public key is needed:
google_docs = ""
cars_key = "pub?key=0AjoVnZ9iB261dHRfQlVuWDRUSHdZQ1A4N294TEstc0E&output=csv" # public key of data 'cars'
cars_csv = getURLContent(paste(google_docs, cars_key, sep = ""), ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
cars2004 = read.csv(textConnection(cars_csv), row.names = 1, header = TRUE) # import data in R (through a text connection)
## Cylinders Horsepower Speed Weight Width Length
## Citroen C2 1124 61 158 932 1659 3666
## Smart Fortwo 698 52 135 730 1515 2500
## Mini 1.6 170 1598 170 218 1215 1690 3625
## Nissan Micra 1.2 1240 65 154 965 1660 3715
## Renault Clio 3.0 V6 2946 255 245 1400 1810 3812
## Audi A3 1.9 1896 105 187 1295 1765 4203
To read excel .xsl
and .xlsx
files check this post. To read .csv
files use function read.csv
## Warning: package 'XML' was built under R version 3.1.1
swim_wiki = ""
swim1500 = readHTMLTable(swim_wiki, which = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # read 1st table from webpage
## # Time Name Nationality
## 1 1 22:48.4 Taylor , Henry Henry Taylor Great Britain
## 2 2 22:00.0 Hodgson , George George Hodgson Canada
## 3 3 21:35.3 Borg , Arne Arne Borg Sweden
## 4 4 21:15.0 Borg , Arne Arne Borg Sweden
## 5 5 21:11.4 Borg , Arne Arne Borg Sweden
## 6 6 20:06.6 Charlton , Boy Boy Charlton Australia
## Date Meet
## 1 01908-07-25-0000Jul 25, 1908 Olympic Games
## 2 01912-07-10-0000Jul 10, 1912 Olympic Games
## 3 01923-07-08-0000Jul 8, 1923 -
## 4 01924-01-30-0000Jan 30, 1924 -
## 5 01924-07-13-0000Jul 13, 1924 -
## 6 01924-07-15-0000Jul 15, 1924 Olympic Games
## Location Ref
## 1 United Kingdom, London ! London, United Kingdom
## 2 Sweden, Stockholm ! Stockholm, Sweden
## 3 Sweden, Gothenburg ! Gothenburg, Sweden
## 4 Australia, Sydney ! Sydney, Australia
## 5 France, Paris ! Paris, France
## 6 France, Paris ! Paris, France
The main function is xmlParse()
which is a DOM parser, ie, a parser that reads the XML document into a tree structure.
plant = ""
doc1 = xmlParse(plant) # Parse as a C structure
doc2 = xmlTreeParse(plant) # Parse as a R structure (this function is a xmlParse wrapper)
class(doc2) # class "XMLDocument" is implemented as a hierarchy of lists
## [1] "XMLDocument" "XMLAbstractDocument"
To parse HTML:
doc3 = htmlTreeParse("") # parse into a R structure
## [1] "XMLDocumentContent"
After parsing, we need to be able to access its internal information
get access to the root nodexmlChildren
get access to the child element of a given nodeTo access the internal structure of a node
Some egs:
xmlName( xmlRoot(doc2) ) # the name of the root node
## [1] "CATALOG"
xmlSize( xmlChildren( xmlRoot(doc2) ) ) # how many children that it have
## [1] 36
xmlChildren( xmlRoot(doc2) )[[1]] # the 1st children
## <PLANT>
## <COMMON>Bloodroot</COMMON>
## <BOTANICAL>Sanguinaria canadensis</BOTANICAL>
## <ZONE>4</ZONE>
## <LIGHT>Mostly Shady</LIGHT>
## <PRICE>$2.44</PRICE>
## </PLANT>
xmlChildren( xmlChildren( xmlRoot(doc2) )[[1]] )[[2]]
## <BOTANICAL>Sanguinaria canadensis</BOTANICAL>
xmlValue( xmlChildren( xmlChildren( xmlRoot(doc2) )[[1]] )[[2]] )
## [1] "Sanguinaria canadensis"
A simpler eg:
xml_string = c(
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',
'<movie mins="126" lang="eng">',
'<title>Good Will Hunting</title>',
'<last_name>Van Sant</last_name>',
'<movie mins="106" lang="spa">',
'<title>Y tu mama tambien</title>',
# parse xml content
movies_xml = xmlParse(xml_string, asText = TRUE)
root = xmlRoot(movies_xml)
movie_child = xmlChildren(root)
goodwill = movie_child[[1]]
## <movie mins="126" lang="eng">
## <title>Good Will Hunting</title>
## <director>
## <first_name>Gus</first_name>
## <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>
## </director>
## <year>1998</year>
## <genre>drama</genre>
## </movie>
## [1] "movie"
## [1] 4
## mins lang
## "126" "eng"
xmlGetAttr(goodwill, name = 'lang')
## [1] "eng"
xmlValue(goodwill) # node content (as character string)
## [1] "Good Will HuntingGusVan Sant1998drama"
## $title
## <title>Good Will Hunting</title>
## $director
## <director>
## <first_name>Gus</first_name>
## <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>
## </director>
## $year
## <year>1998</year>
## $genre
## <genre>drama</genre>
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLInternalNodeList" "XMLNodeList"
gusvan = xmlChildren(goodwill)[[2]]
## <director>
## <first_name>Gus</first_name>
## <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>
## </director>
## <movie mins="126" lang="eng">
## <title>Good Will Hunting</title>
## <director>
## <first_name>Gus</first_name>
## <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>
## </director>
## <year>1998</year>
## <genre>drama</genre>
## </movie>
## $first_name
## <first_name>Gus</first_name>
## $last_name
## <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLInternalNodeList" "XMLNodeList"
## <movie mins="106" lang="spa">
## <title>Y tu mama tambien</title>
## <director>
## <first_name>Alfonso</first_name>
## <last_name>Cuaron</last_name>
## </director>
## <year>2001</year>
## <genre>drama</genre>
## </movie>
We can iterate and apply functions to certain nodes:
## $movie
## <movie mins="126" lang="eng">
## <title>Good Will Hunting</title>
## <director>
## <first_name>Gus</first_name>
## <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>
## </director>
## <year>1998</year>
## <genre>drama</genre>
## </movie>
## $movie
## <movie mins="106" lang="spa">
## <title>Y tu mama tambien</title>
## <director>
## <first_name>Alfonso</first_name>
## <last_name>Cuaron</last_name>
## </director>
## <year>2001</year>
## <genre>drama</genre>
## </movie>
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLInternalNodeList" "XMLNodeList"
sapply(movie_child, xmlAttrs)
## movie movie
## mins "126" "106"
## lang "eng" "spa"
sapply(movie_child, function(nd) xmlValue(xmlChildren(nd)$title) )
## movie movie
## "Good Will Hunting" "Y tu mama tambien"
xmlSApply(root, xmlAttrs) # sapply wrapper that operate on the sub-nodes of the given node
## movie movie
## mins "126" "106"
## lang "eng" "spa"
xmlSApply(root, function(nd) xmlValue(xmlChildren(nd)$title) )
## movie movie
## "Good Will Hunting" "Y tu mama tambien"
A better way to explore the xml tree is to query for certain nodes. This is possible through XPath.
XPath has a syntax that must be known to explore its power.
For instance, /movies/movie[1]
means the first movie that is child to the movies element:
getNodeSet(movies_xml, "/movies/movie[1]")
## [[1]]
## <movie mins="126" lang="eng">
## <title>Good Will Hunting</title>
## <director>
## <first_name>Gus</first_name>
## <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>
## </director>
## <year>1998</year>
## <genre>drama</genre>
## </movie>
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLNodeSet"
The main parts of XPath syntax:
selects from the root node//
selects nodes anywhere.
selects the current node..
selects the parent of the current node@
selects attributes[]
square brackets to indicate attributes
matches any element node@*
matches any attribute nodenode()
matches any node of any kind
getNodeSet(movies_xml, "/movies/movie")
## [[1]]
## <movie mins="126" lang="eng">
## <title>Good Will Hunting</title>
## <director>
## <first_name>Gus</first_name>
## <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>
## </director>
## <year>1998</year>
## <genre>drama</genre>
## </movie>
## [[2]]
## <movie mins="106" lang="spa">
## <title>Y tu mama tambien</title>
## <director>
## <first_name>Alfonso</first_name>
## <last_name>Cuaron</last_name>
## </director>
## <year>2001</year>
## <genre>drama</genre>
## </movie>
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLNodeSet"
getNodeSet(movies_xml, "/movies/movie[1]/title")
## [[1]]
## <title>Good Will Hunting</title>
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLNodeSet"
getNodeSet(movies_xml, "/movies/movie/director/first_name")
## [[1]]
## <first_name>Gus</first_name>
## [[2]]
## <first_name>Alfonso</first_name>
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLNodeSet"
getNodeSet(movies_xml, "//last_name")
## [[1]]
## <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>
## [[2]]
## <last_name>Cuaron</last_name>
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLNodeSet"
getNodeSet(movies_xml, "/movies/movie[@lang='spa']/title")
## [[1]]
## <title>Y tu mama tambien</title>
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLNodeSet"
getNodeSet(movies_xml, "/movies/movie[@mins>120]/title")
## [[1]]
## <title>Good Will Hunting</title>
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLNodeSet"
getNodeSet(movies_xml, "/movies/movie[@mins>120]/*")
## [[1]]
## <title>Good Will Hunting</title>
## [[2]]
## <director>
## <first_name>Gus</first_name>
## <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>
## </director>
## [[3]]
## <year>1998</year>
## [[4]]
## <genre>drama</genre>
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLNodeSet"
getNodeSet(movies_xml, "/movies/movie[@mins>120]/@*")
## [[1]]
## mins
## "126"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLAttributeValue"
## [[2]]
## lang
## "eng"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLAttributeValue"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "XMLNodeSet"
JSON has the following data types: null, true, false, number, string, lists (using []) and dictionaries (using {}). Eg:
{ “name”: [“X”, “Y”, “Z”], “grams”: [300, 200, 500], “qty”: [4, 5, null], “new”: [true, false, true], }
## Warning: package 'RJSONIO' was built under R version 3.1.1
RJSONIO package has two main functions:
converts an R object to a string in JSONfromJSON
converts JSON content to R objectsswdf =
c("Anakin", "male", "Tatooine", "41.9BBY", "yes"),
c("Amidala", "female", "Naboo", "46BBY", "no"),
c("Luke", "male", "Tatooine", "19BBY", "yes"),
c("Leia", "female", "Alderaan", "19BBY", "no"),
c("Obi-Wan", "male", "Stewjon", "57BBY", "yes"),
c("Han", "male", "Corellia", "29BBY", "no"),
c("Palpatine", "male", "Naboo", "82BBY", "no"),
c("R2-D2", "unknown", "Naboo", "33BBY", "no")
names(swdf) = c("Name", "Gender", "Homeworld", "Born", "Jedi")
## Name Gender Homeworld Born Jedi
## 1 Anakin male Tatooine 41.9BBY yes
## 2 Amidala female Naboo 46BBY no
## 3 Luke male Tatooine 19BBY yes
## 4 Leia female Alderaan 19BBY no
## 5 Obi-Wan male Stewjon 57BBY yes
## 6 Han male Corellia 29BBY no
## 7 Palpatine male Naboo 82BBY no
## 8 R2-D2 unknown Naboo 33BBY no
sw_json = toJSON(swdf) # convert R data.frame to JSON
## {
## "Name": [ "Anakin", "Amidala", "Luke", "Leia", "Obi-Wan", "Han", "Palpatine", "R2-D2" ],
## "Gender": [ "male", "female", "male", "female", "male", "male", "male", "unknown" ],
## "Homeworld": [ "Tatooine", "Naboo", "Tatooine", "Alderaan", "Stewjon", "Corellia", "Naboo", "Naboo" ],
## "Born": [ "41.9BBY", "46BBY", "19BBY", "19BBY", "57BBY", "29BBY", "82BBY", "33BBY" ],
## "Jedi": [ "yes", "no", "yes", "no", "yes", "no", "no", "no" ]
## }
sw_R = fromJSON(sw_json) # convert JSON string to R list
## $Name
## [1] "Anakin" "Amidala" "Luke" "Leia" "Obi-Wan" "Han"
## [7] "Palpatine" "R2-D2"
## $Gender
## [1] "male" "female" "male" "female" "male" "male" "male"
## [8] "unknown"
## $Homeworld
## [1] "Tatooine" "Naboo" "Tatooine" "Alderaan" "Stewjon" "Corellia"
## [7] "Naboo" "Naboo"
## $Born
## [1] "41.9BBY" "46BBY" "19BBY" "19BBY" "57BBY" "29BBY" "82BBY"
## [8] "33BBY"
## $Jedi
## [1] "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "no" "no"
Let’s import some JSON info from the net and clean it:
miser = ""
miserables = readLines(miser)
miserables = miserables[-c(1:11)] # eliminate first 11 lines (containing comments)
miserables[1] = "{" # open curly bracket in first line
miserables[length(miserables)] = "}" # closing curly bracket in last line
miserables_str = paste(miserables, collapse = "") # JSON content in one single string
## [1] "{ nodes:[ {nodeName:\"Myriel\", group:1}, {nodeName:\"Napoleon\", group:1}, {nodeName:\"Mlle. Baptistine\", group:1}"
mis1 = fromJSON(miserables_str)
lapply(mis1, length)
## $ode
## [1] 77
## $ink
## [1] 254
head( mis1[[1]], 3)
## [[1]]
## [[1]]$odeNam
## [1] "Myriel"
## [[1]]$rou
## [1] 1
## [[2]]
## [[2]]$odeNam
## [1] "Napoleon"
## [[2]]$rou
## [1] 1
## [[3]]
## [[3]]$odeNam
## [1] "Mlle. Baptistine"
## [[3]]$rou
## [1] 1
head( mis1[[2]], 3)
## [[1]]
## ourc arge alu
## 1 0 1
## [[2]]
## ourc arge alu
## 2 0 8
## [[3]]
## ourc arge alu
## 3 0 10
# eg, translating the components into clean dataframes
names <-[[1]])
names <- data.frame(codeName=t(names[,c(T,F)]), group=t(names[,c(F,T)]))
rownames(names) <- 1:nrow(names)
## codeName group
## 1 Myriel 1
## 2 Napoleon 1
## 3 Mlle. Baptistine 1
## 4 Mme. Magloire 1
## 5 Countess de Lo 1
## 6 Geborand 1
## 7 Champtercier 1
## 8 Cravatte 1
## 9 Count 1
## 10 Old Man 1
links <- t([[2]]))
rownames(links) <- 1:nrow(links)
colnames(links) <- c("source","target","value")
## source target value
## 1 1 0 1
## 2 2 0 8
## 3 3 0 10
## 4 3 2 6
## 5 4 0 1
## 6 5 0 1
## 7 6 0 1
## 8 7 0 1
## 9 8 0 2
## 10 9 0 1
RCurl provides an R interface to client-side HTTP.
It allows us to: + download URLs + submit forms in different ways + supports HTTPS (the secure HTTP) + handle authentication using passwords + use FTP to download files + use persistent connections + upload files + handle escaping characters in requests + handle binary data
Three main functions
rproj = getURL("")
## [1] "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN\" \"\">\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>The R Project for Statistical Computing</title>\n<link rel=\"icon\" href=\"favicon.ico\" type=\"image/x-icon\">\n<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"favicon.ico\" type=\"image/x-icon\">\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"R.css\">\n</head>\n\n<FRAMESET cols=\"1*, 4*\">\n<FRAMESET rows=\"120, 1*\">\n<FRAME src=\"logo.html\" name=\"logo\" frameborder=0>\n<FRAME src=\"navbar.html\" name=\"contents\" frameborder=0>\n</FRAMESET>\n<FRAME src=\"main.shtml\" name=\"banner\" frameborder=0>\n<noframes>\n<h1>The R Project for Statistical Computing</h1>\n\nYour browser seems not to support frames,\nhere is the <A href=\"navbar.html\">contents page</A> of the R Project's\nwebsite.\n</noframes>\n</FRAMESET>\n\n\n\n"
rproj_doc = htmlParse(rproj)
rproj_doc # we can parse this html using XML functions, and already seen
## <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">
## <html>
## <head>
## <title>The R Project for Statistical Computing</title>
## <link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
## <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
## <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="R.css">
## </head>
## <frameset cols="1*, 4*">
## <frameset rows="120, 1*">
## <frame src="logo.html" name="logo" frameborder="0">
## <frame src="navbar.html" name="contents" frameborder="0">
## </frameset>
## <frame src="main.shtml" name="banner" frameborder="0">
## <noframes>
## <body>
## <h1>The R Project for Statistical Computing</h1>
## Your browser seems not to support frames,
## here is the <a href="navbar.html">contents page</a> of the R Project's
## website.
## </body>
## </noframes>
## </frameset>
## </html>
RCurl has the capacity for making requests associated to Web Forms
google.request <- getForm("", hl="en", lr="", ie="ISO-8859-1", q="RCurl", btnG="Search")
google_doc = htmlParse(google.request)
# get only the <a> nodes and show their 'href' attributes
head( sapply( getNodeSet(google_doc,"//a"), function(nd) xmlGetAttr(nd, name = 'href') ), 15)
## [1] ""
## [2] ""
## [3] ""
## [4] ""
## [5] ""
## [6] ""
## [7] ""
## [8] ""
## [9] ""
## [10] ""
## [11] ""
## [12] ""
## [13] ""
## [14] ""
## [15] ""
# or, more simply:
head( getHTMLLinks(google_doc), 15)
## [1] ""
## [2] ""
## [3] ""
## [4] ""
## [5] ""
## [6] ""
## [7] ""
## [8] ""
## [9] ""
## [10] ""
## [11] ""
## [12] ""
## [13] ""
## [14] ""
## [15] ""
There is the RHTMLForms
package (here) that can be used with RCurl
to ease the way to handle forms.