Probability distributions are functions that assign probability mass or density to a universe of outcomes, which are useful to model random events. Different distributions have different mappings from events to probabilities, and some are more uncertain than others.
Since entropy is a measure of uncertainty, it is to no surprise that distributions have an associated entropy.
For discrete distributions, over all values \(x\) inside the domain, the entropy \(H\) is given by expression
\[H = -\sum_x p(x) \log p(x)\]
Consider the example of the Poisson where
\[p(k~|~\lambda) = \frac{\lambda^k e^{-\lambda}}{k!}\]
the analytic solution is
\[\lambda (1- \log \lambda) + e^{-\lambda}\sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{\lambda^k \log k!}{k!}\]
The next function approximates this expression
entropy.poisson <- function(lambda) {
lambda*(1-log(lambda)) +
exp(-lambda) *
function(k) lambda^k * log(factorial(k)) / factorial(k)))
Say, for \(\lambda=5\) the entropy will be
lambda <- 5
## [1] 2.204391
What if we have a discrete sample taken from some distribution?
lambda <- 5
xs1 <- rpois(1e6, lambda)
head(xs1, 10)
## [1] 10 3 7 5 2 2 5 4 6 10
If we know which distribution the sample was taken, we can infer the parameters and then apply the respective entropy formula.
In our case, xs1
was the result of a Poisson sampling, so:
lambda.hat <- mean(xs1)
## [1] 2.204532
But if we don’t have a clue about the underlining distribution?
The first step is to compute the empirical point probabilities
\[\hat{p}(x_i) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{k=1}^n \delta_{x_i}(x_k)\]
where \(\delta_{x_i}(x_k)\) is 1 if \(x_i = x_k\), zero otherwise.
The empirical entropy is then
\[\hat{H} = -\sum_x \hat{p}(x) \log \hat{p}(x)\]
The next R function computes this value,
# ref:
empirical.entropy <- function(xs) {
# empirical point probabilities
epps <- (table(xs) / length(xs)) %>% as.vector()
-sum(epps * log(epps))
Let’s check the true entropy with the empirical entropy of the Poisson sample:
entropy.poisson(lambda) # true entropy
## [1] 2.204391
empirical.entropy(xs1) # empirical entropy
## [1] 2.204035
Another example, this time with a discrete uniform \(\mathcal{U}\{a,b\}\), with theoretical entropy \(\log (b-a+1)\),
xs2 <- sample(1:6, 1e6, rep=TRUE) # uniform U{1,6}
log(6-1+1) # true entropy
## [1] 1.791759
empirical.entropy(xs2) # empirical entropy
## [1] 1.791759
Claude Shannon tried to generalize his entropy formula for the continuous case simply replacing the sum with an integral,
\[H = - \int_x f(x) \log(x) dx\]
but without any mathematical derivation. This is denoted as differential entropy.
This formula lacks many properties of the discrete case.
For the classic continuous distributions, their entropy is known. For the Gaussian \(\mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma\) the entropy is \(\frac{1}{2}\log(2\pi e \sigma^2)\)
entropy.normal <- function(mu, sigma) {
0.5 * log(2*pi*exp(1)*sigma^2)
Let’s check an example,
mu <- 0
sigma <- 0.35
entropy.normal(mu, sigma)
## [1] 0.3691164
ET Jaynes argued that the continuous case should be defined as the limiting case of increasingly dense discrete distributions.
One approximation is given by producing an histogram of the continuous values, and then accounting for the values \(x_i\) inside bin \(i\) with width \(w_i\),
\[\hat{H} = -\sum_i \hat{p}(x_i) \log \frac{\hat{p}(x_i)}{w_i}\]
In R:
# ref:
empirical.entropy.continuous <- function(xs, breaks=1e3) {
range.xs <- max(xs)-min(xs)
width.bins <- range.xs/breaks # all bins have the same width
# bin the results into finite intervals
xs <- xs %>% cut(breaks=breaks) %>% as.numeric()
# empirical point probabilities
epps <- (table(xs) / length(xs)) %>% as.vector()
-sum(epps * (log(epps) - log(width.bins)))
Let’s compare the true and empirical entropy for a normal sample,
n <- 1e6
xs3 <- rnorm(n, 0, sigma)
entropy.normal(mu, sigma) # true entropy
## [1] 0.3691164
empirical.entropy.continuous(xs3) # empirical entropy
## [1] 0.3691665
From Efron’s et al. “An Introduction to the Bootstrap” about how to compare distributions \(F,G\) (chapter 16, pg 221)
The suggestion to bootstrap with replacement using a difference of means, or, for more accuracy, using the studentized test, a two sample t-statistic,
\[t(x) = \frac{\bar{z}-\bar{y}}{\bar{\sigma}\sqrt{1/n + 1/m}}\] where \(n,m\) are the size of the two sets, and \(\bar{\sigma}^2 = \sum_i \left[ (z_i-\bar{z})^2 + (y_i-\bar{y})^2 \right] / (n+m-2)\)
# Efron and Tibshinari, Intro to Bootstrap, pag.221
stat.student <- function(pop1, pop2) {
n <- length(pop1)
m <- length(pop2)
mean1 <- mean(pop1)
mean2 <- mean(pop2)
sigma <- (sum((pop1-mean1)^2) + sum((pop2-mean2)^2)) / (n+m-2)
sigma <- sigma**0.5
(mean1-mean2) / (sigma*(1/n+1/m)**0.5)
Let’s compare its performance against the difference of entropies,
# Difference of Empirical Entropies
stat.entropy <- function(pop1, pop2, sample_size) {
empirical.entropy.continuous(pop1, breaks=100) -
empirical.entropy.continuous(pop2, breaks=100)
The simulation is performed by the next function,
simulation <- function(xs, ys, stat, isBoot=TRUE, n.sims=2000) {
universe <- c(xs,ys)
replicate(n.sims, {
if (isBoot) { # Bootstrap algorithm
xs.boot <- sample(universe, length(xs), rep=TRUE)
ys.boot <- sample(universe, length(ys), rep=TRUE)
} else { # Permutation algorithm
indexes <- sample(1:length(universe), length(xs), rep=FALSE)
xs.boot <- universe[ indexes]
ys.boot <- universe[-indexes]
stat(xs.boot, ys.boot)
And the next function shows the histogram of results and summarizes the \(\widehat{ASL}_{boot}\) given at the book, together with the ratio of the two partitions that are to the left and right of the observed effect,
present_results <- function(results, observed.effect, label="", breaks=50, precision=3) {
partition.1 <- sum(results < observed.effect)
partition.2 <- length(results) - partition.1
if (partition.1 < partition.2)
odds <- partition.1/partition.2
odds <- partition.2/partition.1
ASL.boot <- sum(results > observed.effect) / length(results)
hist(results, breaks=breaks, prob=T, main=label, col = "dodgerblue",
sub=paste0("ASL.boot = ", ASL.boot),
xlab=paste("partition's sizes ", round(1/odds), ":1"))
abline(v=observed.effect, lty=2, lwd=2, col="red")
Let’s check what happens when we have two distributions with similar mean and variance:
n <- 250
xs <- rnorm (n, 1.1, 1.2)
ys <- rgamma(n, 1.0, 1.0)
results <- simulation(xs, ys, stat.student, isBoot=TRUE)
observed.effect <- stat.student(xs, ys)
present_results(results, observed.effect)
The t statistic is not able to easily distinguish distributions. Also, with different random seeds, the results are unstable,
n <- 250
xs <- rnorm (n, 1.1, 1.2)
ys <- rgamma(n, 1.0, 1.0)
results <- simulation(xs, ys, stat.student, isBoot=TRUE)
observed.effect <- stat.student(xs, ys)
present_results(results, observed.effect)
Let’s try with a test statistic based on empirical entropy,
n <- 250
xs <- rnorm (n, 1.1, 1.2)
ys <- rgamma(n, 1.0, 1.0)
results <- simulation(xs, ys, stat.entropy, isBoot=TRUE)
observed.effect <- stat.entropy(xs, ys)
present_results(results, observed.effect)
The results also seem more stable,
n <- 250
xs <- rnorm (n, 1.1, 1.2)
ys <- rgamma(n, 1.0, 1.0)
results <- simulation(xs, ys, stat.entropy, isBoot=TRUE)
observed.effect <- stat.entropy(xs, ys)
present_results(results, observed.effect)
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