library(MASS) # use: mvrnorm
library(psych) # use: pairs.panels
The next code creates a sample from the given multivariate normal distribution:
m <- 3
n <- 2000
mu <- rep(0, m)
sigma <- matrix(c(1.0, 0.4, 0.2,
0.4, 1.0, -0.8,
0.2, -0.8, 1.0), nrow=3)
x <- mvrnorm(n, mu=mu, Sigma=sigma, empirical=TRUE)
colnames(x) <- paste0("x",1:m)
cor(x, method='spearman') # check sample correlation
## x1 x2 x3
## x1 1.0000000 0.3812244 0.1937548
## x2 0.3812244 1.0000000 -0.7890814
## x3 0.1937548 -0.7890814 1.0000000
Function mvrnorm
is nice to generate correlated random variables but there is a restriction, the marginal functions are normal distributions:
Many empirical evidence have skewed or heavy tailed marginals. What if we would like to create a similar correlated random variables but with arbitrary marginals, say, a Gamma(2,1), a Beta(2,2), and a t(\(\nu\)=5) distribution?
Here’s a possible algorithm to do that:
Generate the variables \(x_i\) from a Gaussian multivariate (as we did)
Remembering the probability integral transformation:
\[X \sim F_X \Rightarrow U = F_X(X) \sim \mathcal{U}(0,1)\]
transform \(x_i\) using the Gaussian cdf, \(\Phi\) (in R is called pnorm
), \(u_i = \Phi(x_i)\), where \(u_i\) have marginal uniform distributions but are still correlated as variables \(x_i\).
u <- pnorm(x)
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is qnorm
), that is \(z_i = F^{-1}(u_i)\):z1 <- qgamma(u[,1], shape=2, scale=1)
z2 <- qbeta(u[,2], shape1=2, shape2=2)
z3 <- qt(u[,3], df=5)
z <- cbind(z1,z2,z3)
cor(z, meth='spearman')
## z1 z2 z3
## z1 1.0000000 0.3812244 0.1937548
## z2 0.3812244 1.0000000 -0.7890814
## z3 0.1937548 -0.7890814 1.0000000
And we see that now the marginals have the distributions we wanted!
plot3d(z[,1], z[,2], z[,3], pch=20, col='blue')
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This process can also be coded using package copula
# constructs an elliptical copula
myCop <- normalCopula(param=c(0.4,0.2,-0.8), dim=3, dispstr="un")
# creates a multivariate distribution via copula
myMvd <- mvdc(copula=myCop, margins=c("gamma", "beta", "t"),
paramMargins=list(list(shape=2, scale=1),
list(shape1=2, shape2=2),
list(df=5)) )
z2 <- rMvdc(n, myMvd)
colnames(z2) <- paste0("z",1:m)
A copula (from the Latin: link, bond) is a multivariate distribution function with standard uniform marginal distributions.
More formally, if \((X,Y)\) is a pair of continuous rv’s, with joint \(H(x,y)\) and marginals \(F_X(x), F_Y(y)\), then a copula is the distribution function \(C:[0,1]^2 \rightarrow [0,1]\),
\[C(u,v) = H(F^{-1}_X(u), F^{-1}_Y(v))\]
where \(U=F_X(x) \sim \mathcal{U}(0,1)\), \(V=F_Y(y) \sim \mathcal{U}(0,1)\).
Copulas are interesting because they can couple a multivariate distribution to arbitrary marginal distributions, being more flexible that the standard elliptical distributions. They contain all the information about (ie, they model) the dependence between all \(d\) random variables.
The copula function assigns a non-negative number to each hyper-rectangle in \([0,1]^n\).
cop2 <- normalCopula(param=c(0.7), dim=2, dispstr="un") # 2D copula to plot
persp(cop2, dCopula, main="Density", xlab="u1", ylab="u2", theta=35)
persp(cop2, pCopula, main="CDF", xlab="u1", ylab="u2", theta=35)
The next plot shows an independent copula \(C(u_1, u_2) = u_1 u_2\),
ind.cop <- indepCopula(dim = 2)
persp(ind.cop, dCopula, main="Density", xlab="u1", ylab="u2", theta=35)
persp(ind.cop, pCopula, main="CDF", xlab="u1", ylab="u2", theta=35)
Sklar’s Theorem states that given a d-dimensional joint distribution \(H\) with marginals \(F_1\) and \(F_d\), then there exists a copula \(C\) such that
\[H(u_1,\ldots,u_d) = C(F_1(u_1), \ldots, F_d(u_d))\]
Also, for any univariates \(F_1 \ldots F_d\), and any copula \(C\), the function \(H\) is a d-dimensional distribution with marginals \(F_1 \ldots F_d\). If \(F_1 \ldots F_d\) are continuous, then \(C\) is unique.
So, a joint distribution can be split into marginals and a copula, which can be studied separately.
Also, with a copula, we can create many different joint distributions by selecting different marginals. This is what copula::mvdc()
Archimedean Copulas are a specific type of copula with format
\[C(u_1,u_2) = g^{[-1]}(g(u_1) + g(u_2))\]
where \(g:[0,1] \rightarrow [0,\infty), g(1)=0\), is called the copula generator, and \(g^{[-1]}(x)\) is a pseudo-inverse, which is \(g^{-1}(x), \text{if} 0 \leq t \leq g(0)\) and zero otherwise.
These copulas are continuous, strictly decreasing, convex, commutative (\(C(u_1,u_2)=C(u_2,u_1)\)), and associate (\(C(u_1,C(u_2,u_3)) = C(C(u_1,u_2),u_3)\)). These properties make them good tools for applications.
An eg is the Gumbel copula,
\[C_\eta(u,v) = \exp\{ -((- \log u)^\eta + (- \log v)^\eta)^{1/\eta} \}\]
gumbel.cop <- gumbelCopula(param=2, dim=2) # gumbel copula with parameter eta=2
persp(gumbel.cop, dCopula, main="Density", xlab="u1", ylab="u2", theta=35)
Let’s create a dataset
gumbel.cop <- gumbelCopula(param=3, dim=2)
gMvd2 <- mvdc(gumbel.cop, c("exp","exp"), # we'll assume this copula is unkonwn
list(list(rate=2), list(rate=4)))
x <- rMvdc(2500, gMvd2)
plot(x, pch=20)
…and try to find the copula and the marginals that model this dataset.
If we knew the type of copula and type of margins, we just fit the parameters of a copula to the data (herein, we use the same copula object that created the dataset, something we will not have the luxury to have in a real application).
fit2 <- fitMvdc(x, gMvd2, start = c(1,1,2), hideWarnings=FALSE)
print(fit2) # fit2@mvdc returns the fitted multivariate distribution
## The Maximum Likelihood estimation is based on 2500 observations.
## Margin 1 :
## Estimate Std. Error
## m1.rate 1.944 0.038
## Margin 2 :
## Estimate Std. Error
## m2.rate 3.954 0.077
## Copula:
## Estimate Std. Error
## param 3.041 0.059
## The maximized loglikelihood is 1955.965
## Optimization converged
## Number of loglikelihood evaluations:
## function gradient
## 57 14
fit2@estimate # get the mean estimates of the marginals and the copula
## [1] 1.943978 3.954362 3.040675
More generally, if we don’t know the format of the copula neither the marginals, with package VineCopula
we can estimate the most appropriate type of copula that models the data:
u1 <- pobs(as.matrix(x[,1])) # pobs place the observations inside [0,1]
u2 <- pobs(as.matrix(x[,2]))
fitCopula <- BiCopSelect(u1, u2, familyset=NA)
## $p.value.indeptest
## [1] NA
## $family
## [1] 4
## $par
## [1] 3.05472
## $par2
## [1] 0
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "BiCop"
Reading the help file for BiCopSelect
we check that family=4
is the Gumbel copula (indeed, the data set was made with a Gumbel copula). The estimated parameter is also correct.
Now, we should fit the marginals:
descdist(x[,1], discrete=FALSE, boot=500)
## summary statistics
## ------
## min: 7.814454e-05 max: 4.074644
## median: 0.3493946
## mean: 0.5142143
## estimated sd: 0.5135656
## estimated skewness: 1.869442
## estimated kurtosis: 7.637877
It seems that it can be a gamma, or an exponential (not a beta, since the values are not inside [0,1]).
fit1_gamma <- fitdist(x[,1], "gamma")
## Fitting of the distribution ' gamma ' by maximum likelihood
## Parameters :
## estimate Std. Error
## shape 0.9900823 0.02463536
## rate 1.9255047 0.06158986
## Loglikelihood: -837.1315 AIC: 1678.263 BIC: 1689.911
## Correlation matrix:
## shape rate
## shape 1.0000000 0.7778981
## rate 0.7778981 1.0000000
fit1_exp <- fitdist(x[,1], "exp")
## Fitting of the distribution ' exp ' by maximum likelihood
## Parameters :
## estimate Std. Error
## rate 1.944714 0.03889428
## Loglikelihood: -837.2121 AIC: 1676.424 BIC: 1682.248
Both fits are similar. Notice that the real marginal for x[,1]
is an exponential with rate=2
which is found by the second fit.
Doing the same for x[,2]
descdist(x[,2], discrete=FALSE, boot=500)
## summary statistics
## ------
## min: 8.861588e-06 max: 2.122285
## median: 0.1708639
## mean: 0.2528367
## estimated sd: 0.252168
## estimated skewness: 1.850827
## estimated kurtosis: 7.656177
fit2_gamma <- fitdist(x[,2], "gamma")
## Fitting of the distribution ' gamma ' by maximum likelihood
## Parameters :
## estimate Std. Error
## shape 0.9881979 0.02458431
## rate 3.9084348 0.12505086
## Loglikelihood: 937.6411 AIC: -1871.282 BIC: -1859.634
## Correlation matrix:
## shape rate
## shape 1.0000000 0.7775534
## rate 0.7775534 1.0000000
fit2_exp <- fitdist(x[,2], "exp")
## Fitting of the distribution ' exp ' by maximum likelihood
## Parameters :
## estimate Std. Error
## rate 3.955121 0.07910242
## Loglikelihood: 937.5282 AIC: -1873.056 BIC: -1867.232
Say we pick the gamma for the first, and the exponential for the second:
param1_shape <- fit1_gamma$estimate['shape']
param1_rate <- fit1_gamma$estimate['rate']
param2_rate <- fit2_exp$estimate['rate']
We can create our proposed copula:
param_gumbelCop <- fitCopula$par
estCop <- mvdc(copula=gumbelCopula(param_gumbelCop,dim=2),
paramMargins=list(list(shape=param1_shape, rate=param1_rate),
And make a sample to compare if it is similar to the original data:
new_data <- rMvdc(2500, estCop)
plot(x, pch='.', col="blue", cex=3)
points(new_data, pch='.', col="red", cex=3)
As we see, the two datasets have a similar structure. This is evidence that the proposed model is appropriate.