control the behaviour of the animation. Some egs with default values:
oopt = ani.options(
nmax=50, # maximum number of steps in a loop
interval=0.1, # the time interval of the animation (unit in seconds)
ani.width=480, # dimension of the animation
imgdir="images", # directory (relative path) for images when creating HTML page
htmlfile="index.html", # name of the produced html file
autobrowse = interactive(), # whether auto-browse the animation after created
loop = TRUE, # whether to iterate or not
title = "", # the title of the html page
description = "" # the description of the html page
Examples from here.
for(i in 1:100) {
curve(sin(x), from = -5+(i*0.05), to = 5 + (i * 0.05), col = "red", ylab = "")
curve(cos(x), from = -5+(i*0.05), to = 5 + (i * 0.05), add = TRUE, col = "blue", ylab = "")
legend("topright", legend=c("sin(x)","cos(x)"), fill=c("red","blue"), bty="n")
for(i in 1:150){
x <- seq(-6 + (i * 0.05), 6 + (i * 0.05), length= 100)
y <- x
f <- function(x, y) { sin(x) + cos(y) }
z <- outer(x, y, f)
persp(x, y, z, theta = 45 + (i * 0.5), phi = 35, expand = 0.4, col = "lightblue")
which produces:
Make HTMLs with function saveHTML
. It produces a new html file with the images in folder images
xs <- seq(-2,2,len=100)
oopt <- ani.options(interval = 0.2, nmax = 5, autobrowse = FALSE)
for (i in 1:ani.options("nmax")) {
plot(dnorm(xs,0,1/i), type="l")
}, htmlfile="dnorm_test.html","dnorms")
## HTML file created at: dnorm_test.html
A package example of the Buffon’s needle:
## create an HTML animation page
par(mar = c(3, 2.5, 1, 0.2), pch = 20, mgp = c(1.5, 0.5, 0))
ani.options(nmax = ifelse(interactive(), 300, 10), interval = 0.1)
buffon.needle(type = "S", redraw = FALSE)
}, = "buffon.needle",
htmlfile = "buffon.needle.html",
ani.height = 500,
ani.width = 600,
title = "Simulation of Buffon's Needle",
description = c("There are three graphs made in each step: the",
"top-left, one is a simulation of the scenario, the top-right one",
"is to help us understand the connection between dropping needles",
"and the mathematical method to estimate pi, and the bottom one is",
"the result for each dropping.")
Check the result.
However, saveGIF
might not work properly. In that case you could do it yourself. This takes the previous made pictures from saveHTML
and create the animated GIF:
More samples here.
From here:
# 0 - empty
# 2 - first agent type color
# 4 - second agent type color
# initialize simulation
# size - square size
# perc.full - percentage of lots to be occupied
init <- function(side, perc.full) {
size <- floor(side ^ 2 * perc.full / 2)
state <- matrix(0, side, side)
occupied <- sample(side ^ 2, 2 * size)
state[occupied] <- c(2,4)
# plot simulation state
# state - simulation state
# i - simulation iteration
do.plot <- function(state, i) {
side <- dim(state)[1]
x <- rep(1:side, side)
y <- rep(1:side, each = side)
par(fin=c(4,4), fig=c(0,1,0,1))
plot(x , y, axes = F, xlab="", ylab="", col = state,
main = paste("Step", i), pch = 19, cex = 40 / side)
# perform one step of simulation
# state - simulation state
# threshold - percent of required agents of the same color
# in neighborhood
# radius - neighborhood radius
sim.step <- function(state, threshold, radius) {
mod.1 <- function(a, b) { 1 + ((a - 1) %% b) }
div.1 <- function(a, b) { 1 + ((a - 1) %/% b) }
unhappy <- rep(NA, length(state))
side <- dim(state)[1]
check <- (-radius):(radius)
#find unhappy agents
for (n in which(state > 0)) {
x <- div.1(n, side)
y <- mod.1(n, side)
x.radius <- mod.1(check + x, side)
y.radius <- mod.1(check + y, side)
region <- state[y.radius, x.radius]
similar <- sum(region == state[n]) - 1
total <- sum(region > 0) - 1
unhappy[n] <- (similar < total * threshold)
vunhappy <- which(unhappy)
# move unhappy agents
vunhappy <- vunhappy[]
empty <- which(state == 0)
for (n in vunhappy) {
move.idx <-, 1)
state[empty[move.idx]] <- state[n]
state[n] <- 0
empty[move.idx] <- n
# simple wrapper for animation plotting
go <- function() {
s <- init(51, 0.75)
for (i in 1:50) {
do.plot(s, i)
last.s <- s
s <- sim.step(s, 0.6, 1)
if (identical(last.s, s)) { break }
for (j in 1:4) {
do.plot(s, i)
ani.options(interval = 5 / (i + 2))
## Output at: schelling_animation.gif
## [1] TRUE